Washing your hair when it gets dirty and getting your hair cut on a regular basis are easy ways to maintain soft, shiny, healthy hair. Look through the following tips to think of a cut and style that suits your appearance.
To help protect your hair from the damaging effects caused by the sun, use hair products which contain sunscreen. Any advantages you may get from proper hair care can be swiftly undone by the sun’s damaging rays. When you are protecting your hair, you will give it longevity and prevent lightening of its color as well.
Reduce how much you blow dry your hair. Heated air that comes from dryers can cause great damage, so air drying is best. If you must blow-dry your hair, keep the hair dryer on a cool setting and do not keep the dryer in the same spot for very long. In order to minimize the amount of time you need to use the blow dryer, towel dry your hair first.
Satin Pillowcase
To prevent nighttime damage to your hair, use a satin pillowcase. Cotton pillowcases will absorb oil and moisture, causing dried-out hair. You will find that your hair is as curly and beautiful in the morning as it was the night before if you sleep on a satin pillowcase. You might also choose to use a satin scarf or bonnet.
Avoid shampooing your hair until two days after you get it dyed. Your hair’s cuticle needs some time to seal once its been treated. By getting hair wet, it reopens the cuticle, letting the color slip away. You will be rewarded when you are patient with shiny and healthy hair.
Get your hair wet with fresh water before getting into a chlorinated swimming pool to minimize the amount of chlorine your hair absorbs. Also, if you do not use a cap when you swim, try to quickly wash your hair after getting out of the pool. This prevents too much damage.
Overall, living a healthy lifestyle will keep your hair happy. Smoking, drinking and stress will hurt the health and appearance of your hair, whereas a good diet and regular exercise will build up strong hair. It might be difficult to believe, but taking these steps can make a huge difference.
Don’t shampoo all the natural oil out of your hair. This applies even for those who have extremely oily hair, as harsh shampoos can damage your hair and cause your scalp to increase oil production. Instead, look for a shampoo that cleanses your hair gently. Some people also just use conditioner about one or two times every week.
When getting out of the shower, try not to towel dry your hair too roughly. You can actually damage your hair this way. The best method is to remove the bulk of the water in your hair by gently ringing it out. Then you pat it to dry it with a towel. Try not to use rough towels; softer ones are better.
Hair naturally changes as you age. You may experience drier, more brittle and gray hair. You may find that it can even completely change texture, such as altering from curly to straight. You should consult a doctor if you have concerns about the textural changes of your hair.
If your hair goes flat near the end of your day, try a spritz of spring water on it. After spritzing your hair with the water, gently massage it in with short, circular motions. This adds volume to your hair.
Only wash your hair when it really needs it. Each time your hair is washed, essential oils are being stripped away, making your hair more prone to damage. It’s healthier to give your hair a wash every other day instead. If your hair isn’t overly oily, you may want to wash it just once weekly.
If you like your hair to be soft and shiny you can create something at home to do this. One ingredient can have a big impact on your hair health. Whisk one egg white and massage it into your hair and scalp. Let it penetrate for five minutes. Rinse it out with your everyday shampoo and you’ll see an added shine to your hair.
Blow Dry
If you must blow dry your hair, you should do so with leave in conditioner. Blow-drying hair is very harsh on your hair; it dries your hair out which can consequentially lead to hair loss. Using a leave-in conditioner helps hold moisture in the hair shaft resulting in less hair damage. Of course, the best thing that you can do is not to blow dry your hair when not needed.
Brushing your hair can spread oils evenly through your hair. Once you start to brush your hair, and remove tangles, begin to brush from the top and go down. This way, you can distribute oils evenly and detangle simultaneously.
Curly hair doesn’t require a daily shampooing. It’s best not to shampoo more than twice per week. Your hair looks shinier and healthier if you don’t strip the natural oils by over-washing it. It is very important to make sure that you thoroughly rinse all shampoo residue from you hair.
Start your brushing motion at the ends of the hair, and progress until you have removed all knots. Once your hair is smooth and untangled, start your brush stroke at the roots and continue all the way to the end of the hair strand. This allows the brush to transport the scalps natural oil down to the hair tips.
B6 is a type of vitamin that most people neglect to take daily. It plays an important part in preventing dandruff, so be sure to include it in your diet. This will help to ensure that dandruff is less likely to occur on your scalp.
Not smoking and maintaining a healthy diet are both great ways to get your hair shiny and healthy. If you keep your hair length, style and texture in mind you will find it easier to choose a style that compliments the shape of your face.